Valuing Your Veneers: 4 Tips to Maintain Them

May 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsouthtexas @ 8:00 pm
Woman with brown hair in a chartreuse sweater smiling

One of the first things people notice about you is the quality of your smile. If yours is riddled with aesthetic imperfections, it’s natural to feel anxious about what others might think of you. Fortunately, your dentist can mask minor flaws with cosmetic services like veneers. These thin, ceramic covers are bonded to the front of your teeth to hide any issues that detract from your appearance.

Although the porcelain shells are resilient and can resist chipping and stains, they are not invincible. It’s important to care for them correctly to get the most out of your investment. Continue reading to learn 4 ways to keep your veneers in great shape!
