Valuing Your Veneers: 4 Tips to Maintain Them

May 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsouthtexas @ 8:00 pm
Woman with brown hair in a chartreuse sweater smiling

One of the first things people notice about you is the quality of your smile. If yours is riddled with aesthetic imperfections, it’s natural to feel anxious about what others might think of you. Fortunately, your dentist can mask minor flaws with cosmetic services like veneers. These thin, ceramic covers are bonded to the front of your teeth to hide any issues that detract from your appearance.

Although the porcelain shells are resilient and can resist chipping and stains, they are not invincible. It’s important to care for them correctly to get the most out of your investment. Continue reading to learn 4 ways to keep your veneers in great shape!

Tip #1: Keep Up Your Hygiene Routine

Did you know that veneers can’t get cavities? The material they’re made from isn’t the same organic substance as your enamel, so harmful germs can’t penetrate the surface. That said, the teeth underneath them are still just as susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.

Brushing and flossing twice daily can prevent these potential problems. When you thoroughly clean your mouth both morning and night, you consistently remove plaque and bacterial buildup that causes them.

Tip #2: Change Your Toothpaste

Many toothpaste brands contain gritty ingredients intended to polish stains off your teeth, but these are abrasive against the surface of your veneers.

If you’re unsure what to use in its place, why not consider an option with whitening? Your prosthetics are customized to match your pearly whites but are more resistant to stains than your natural teeth. As a result, they can eventually start to look darker in comparison, turning your grin into different shades. A whitening toothpaste can maintain your current color so that you don’t have to worry about a mismatched smile.

Tip #3: Watch What You Eat

You’ll need to be cautious about what you put in your mouth to avoid harming your veneers. They’re made from a durable material, but overly hard, sticky, or sugary foods are known to damage them. For example, if you bite into an ice cube or a hard piece of candy, you could chip or dislodge one.

Also, remember that your teeth are intended to chew food. You shouldn’t open packages, bite your nails, or chew pen caps because the ceramic might become chipped or fractured.

Tip #4: Visit Your Dentist Regularly

If you don’t already, it’s a good idea to schedule routine checkups with your provider every 6 months. This allows them to monitor your oral condition and treat any areas of concern before they become real issues. For example, they can identify a cracked or loose veneer and repair the damage before it fractures or falls off.

They’ll also ensure that you haven’t developed any signs of cavities, gum disease, or oral cancer to keep your grin both happy and healthy.

Thankfully, with the right upkeep, your veneers can last 15+ years. By following these helpful tips, you can enjoy your newly perfected smile for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Roel Valadez, Jr. helps people of all ages enhance their lives by improving their dental condition. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Baylor University and a Master of Science in Biology from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Then, he earned his dental degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. Now, he offers a full range of services to meet your family’s needs all under one roof, including veneers. With state-of-the-art technology, he can provide beautiful, accurate results intended to last. If you’re dissatisfied with your smile’s appearance, you’re welcome to request a consultation appointment on the website or by calling (361) 664-3057.

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